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The General Council of the Sahitya Akademi at its meeting held on 10 September 1967 laid down the following Publication Policy:

  1. Sahitya Akademi is basically and primarily an association of Indian writers for promoting and coordinating literary activities in Indian languages.

  2. The exigencies of its programme have obliged the Akademi in the national interest to undertake the publication and distribution of books not normally published by private publishers.

  3. The selection of titles for publication by the Akademi is governed by the objective for which it was set up, and not by commercial considerations; and

  4. While it is highly desirable that every effort should be made to recover as much as possible of the costs incurred in the preparation and publication of the books sponsored by the Akademi, the very nature of the Akademi's publication programme presupposes an element of subsidy in the larger national interest.

  1. The cost of preparation of a manuscript, i.e. the remuneration paid to the author/compiler/translator/ reviser, etc., should not be taken into account in fixing the price of a book, it being deemed that such expenditure is a part of the literary activities of the Sahitya Akademi and treated as a subsidy in the larger national interest.

  2. The cost of production should include only the cost of printing, paper, binding and other costs of mechanical production.

  3. The General Council at its meeting decided "to price the publications of the Akademi at a minimum of three and a half times the cost of production."

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